FGV Sao Paulo Law School was created to be a school with professors and students totally dedicated to teaching and research, committed to permanent innovation, by using participatory teaching methods and by doing research with a high quality standard and respect for ethical precepts that guide the institution. Along with respect for ethics, the school has a strong commitment to promoting diversity, aware that plurality is essential for the enrichment of the academic community and the existence of a free and vigorous academic environment.
Below, learn about some initiatives of FGV Sao Paulo Law School in favor of diversity and non-discrimination.
Bolsas de Estudos: Busca por Talentos e Diversidade
A escola se preocupa com a qualificação de seu corpo discente e em criar oportunidades para que a condição social e financeira do estudante não constitua uma barreira para o seu acesso ou permanência na instituição. Diante disso, a Fundação Getulio Vargas e a FGV Direito SP estabeleceram diversas modalidades de bolsas de estudos para seus diferentes programas de ensino.
FGV keeps the program Pro-Health, to offer support to students during their training period.