FGV Sao Paulo Law School was created in 2002 to offer innovative and interdisciplinary teaching of Law, in tune with the deep ongoing transformations in society and the demands of the legal market in all its spheres, whether in the public sector, the private sector or the third sector. In line with FGV’s mission, FGV Sao Paulo Law School is committed to training excellent professionals and producing cutting-edge research, to contribute to develop and overcome the Brazilian society problems, influencing the legal scenario positively, in Brazil and abroad.
To respond to these challenges, the school keeps academic programs and research bodies committed to permanent innovation, both in the use of participatory teaching methodologies and in conducting research – mostly empirical, collective, and of public interest – with a high quality standard.
With these assumptions and actions in mind, FGV Sao Paulo Law School intends to consolidate itself as an alternative to the traditional model of Law education, by keeping a critical attitude concerning this field of knowledge.

Em 2024 a FGV Direito SP inaugurou sua nova sede, localizada na Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 365, no bairro Bela Vista, em São Paulo. O novo campus da FGV Direito SP foi planejado para garantir às alunas e aos alunos uma experiência acadêmica de excelência em um espaço inovador e permitir a expansão da Escola em seus diferentes programas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão.
Institutional folder

Calendário Acadêmico 2024
A FGV Direito SP completou 20 anos em 2022. Nessas duas décadas de existência, a escola se dedicou a formar profissionais de excelência com programas de ensino de forte característica multidisciplinar elaborados a partir de uma visão global e estratégica, além de produzir pesquisas com potencial de impactar positivamente a sociedade e o pensamento jurídico, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do país, em sinergia com a missão da Fundação Getulio Vargas.

Where we are?
FGV Headquarters
365 Dr. Plínio Barreto Street – Bela Vista
ZIP Code: 01313-020
Phone: + 55 (11) 3799-2247
E-mail: direitosp@fgv.br
Main facilities:
Ambulatory, lactation room, auditorium, library, cafeteria, convenience space, space for administrative activities, restaurant, individual and group study rooms, classrooms, professors rooms, directors rooms, videoconference rooms and students’ union.
2029 9 de Julho Avenue
2029 9 de Julho Avenue - Bela Vista (Access also from 432 Itapeva Street)
ZIP Code 01313-902
Phone: +55 (11) 3799-7700
E-mail: faleconoscosp@fgv.br
Main facilities:
Ambulatory, auditorium, library, students’ union, athletic association, cafeteria, junior company, Aiesec, convenience space, social space, employees’ space, space for administrative activities and events, computer labs, bookstore, sports court, restaurant, individual and group study rooms, classrooms, and videoconference rooms.