Additional activities are requirements of the national curriculum guidelines, and are mandatory for students to complete their undergraduate curriculum. These activities enrich and complement students’ profile, enabling the assessment of their skills, knowledge, and competencies, including those acquired outside the academic environment. They include the practice of independent, cross-sectional, optional, and interdisciplinary studies and activities, especially concerning the labor market and extension actions in the community.
FGV Sao Paulo Law School understands that additional activities provide a favorable space for the promotion and accomplishment of extension activities and social responsibility, seeking to stimulate in students a legal reflection on sustainability issues and environmental and social responsibility, on a continuous and permanent basis. These activities can be integrated into the school's teaching programs and research agendas, or take place through partnerships with institutions that address issues like sustainable development or the social and environmental responsibility of companies.
Study group
Study groups are additional activities that enrich and complement students’ profile, enabling the assessment of their skills, knowledge, and competencies, including those acquired outside the academic environment.
Find out more about study groups currently active at FGV Sao Paulo Law School.
Public Training School
What is it?
The Public Training School (EFP) is an annual scientific initiation program created in 2015, oriented to undergraduate students from different universities, and linked to FGV Sao Paulo Law School as a permanent project of the Public Group and of the Brazilian Society of Public Law. Its mission is to train legal leaders to innovate in the area of Public Law. Over the course of a year, 25 students collectively analyze relevant issues of constitutional jurisdiction. EFP has three courses: Jurisprudence workshops, Research Workshops, and the Debate Cycle on Law and Public Management. Courses are conducted by alumni and EFP employees in the form of debates, and current students are leading actors in the discussions. Courses have two weekly meetings, on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the afternoon, and require reading texts in advance. At the end of the year, students present and defend an individual final paper , with a focus on constitutional jurisdiction.
Professor in charge
Carlos Ari Sundfeld
Mariana Vilella and Yasser Reis Gabriel
Study Group on Family Law
What is it?
The study group deals with the central themes of current family law, by discussing technical concepts of private law and constitutional law, and the effects of the legal discipline of family law on the economic and social reality. As this is an area of law undergoing a fast and deep transformation, the group also intends to reflect on the factors that guide legal evolution, as well as on the behavior of courts concerning such issues, socially sensitive and in a constant process of change.
Professor in charge
Vivianne Ferreira
Amuny Zoghbi, Audrey Otsuki, Camila Garcia, Carolina Figueiredo, Fabiana Juliasz, Felipe Paro and Georges Vicentini
Study Group on Administrative Law (linked to the Public Group)
What is it?
It is a study group aimed at deepening central themes of contemporary administrative law, with a focus on reality. Periodic meetings bring together professors, professionals in the field (from the public and private sectors), and students, combining theory and practice and involving short classes, case studies, and experience reports (external guests). At the end of the semester, as a condition for getting credit hours, each student presents an individual article on one of the topics covered in the group. It should be a short article (maximum 3000 characters with spaces), in a journamenuic format, with a practical bias.
Professors in charge
Carlos Ari Sundfeld and André Rosilho
Leonardo Mendes and Mariana Püschel
Study Group on Succession Law and Property Management
What is it?
The study group deals with the central topics of current succession law. It discusses technical concepts of private and constitutional law and the effects of the discipline Succession Law on economic and social reality. As this area is undergoing a fast and deep transformation, it also intends to reflect on the factors that guide legal evolution, as well as on the behavior of courts regarding such issues, socially sensitive and in a constant process of change. For this purpose, the group is divided in 2 blocks: (i) it begins with basic notions on the theme, concepts about legitimate and testamentary succession, inheritance, sharing, and protection of fundamental rights; and (ii) it focuses on the study of asset management, the reasons why succession planning should be carried out, as well as its main arrangements - of corporate structure - for asset transmission.
Professor in charge
Vivianne Ferreira
Camila Garcia, Carolina Figueiredo, Fabiana Juliasz, Felipe Paro and Georges Vicentini
Study Group on Negotiation and Mediation
What is it?
The objective of this group (GENM) is to develop negotiation skills and present consensual methods of conflict resolution. Combining the best theoretical references with guided practical exercises, the group provides techniques that are valid for professional or personal life. GENM meetings occur every year, in English, as it also prepares FGV students for the main international negotiation and mediation competitions (ICC in Paris, CDRC in Vienna, and CPR in São Paulo).
Professor in charge
José Garcez Ghirardi
Antonio Belizario, Fabrício Ramos, Fernanda Teodoro, Gustavo Marcondes and Heloísa Salgado
Study Group on Arbitration Practice
What is it?
This group presents the universe of arbitration to the students, and exposes them to the practice of law in arbitration. Students have contact with the theoretical aspects of arbitration as an introduction, learn techniques for writing legal documents, and will receive assistance to develop their style of oral rhetoric, with a focus on arbitration practice nationwide. At the end of the semester, students are expected to master the basic skills, necessary not only to understand arbitration theoretically, but also to eventually participate in arbitration procedures, whether real - in the job market - or simulated - in arbitration competitions.
Professor in charge
Luciano de Souza Godoy
Amauri Silvestre Pavão, Felipe Conrado and Gabriel Visconti
Study Group on Arbitration
What is it?
This study group (GVEArb) addresses the academic study of national and international arbitration. Students are introduced to complex, controversial, and current issues involving the institute of arbitration. Ideally, group's meetings start with a brief presentation of a chosen topic, followed by the participation of external guests with experience in that area – thus combining theoretical study with a practical view. In addition, GVEArb promotes students’ placement in the arbitration market, encouraging contact with renowned professionals. For the next few years, the group will also produce academic knowledge, through empirical research and the preparation and dissemination of doctrinal articles authored by its current and former members.
Professor in charge
Rabih Nasser
Amauri Silvestre Pavão and Fernanda Lopes de Alcântara Gil. Gabriel Visconti and José Victor Palazzi Zakia
Study Group on International Trade
What is it?
The group intends to study the main aspects of the World Trade Organization (WTO) law, through the analysis of agreements, practical cases, discussions on current issues, and conversations with professionals in the field. The group also serves as a preparatory step for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition, the academic contest on international trade within the WTO.
Professor in charge
Rabih Nasser
Amuny Zoghbi, Daniela Naomi Nomura, Leonardo Gioachini and Pedro Martins Zuffo
Study Group on Entertainment Law, Media and Culture (linked to CEPI)
What is it?
This study group (DEMC) is linked to the Center for Education and Research on Innovation (CEPI) of FGV Sao Paulo Law School. Created in the second half of 2020, it encourages debates on current topics, not commonly discussed by law students. With the presence of guests from different areas, the group seeks to understand how arts and culture relate to legal studies.
Professors in charge
Alexandre Pacheco and Marina Feferbaum
Alice Gonçalves, Camila Merino and Júlia Fraige
Study Group on International Criminal Law
What is it?
This group (GEDPI) was created in 2011, to introduce students to an area of law that was almost unknown in Brazil until then. Focusing on the functioning and precedents of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and extinct international criminal courts (Nuremberg Court, Far East Court, Court for Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda Court), the group brings together concepts of international law, human rights, humanitarian law, and criminal law, all part of the court's practice. It also explores and discusses issues related to geopolitics, international relations and contemporary history. It addresses issues of the four crimes judged by ICC (crimes against humanity, crime of aggression, war crimes, and genocide), the scope of the court's jurisdiction, the modes of responsibility, and the situations that ICC currently investigates and prosecutes. The group is also a preparation for the ICC Moot Court Competition, an international competition that simulates ICC procedures. It has a national stage, in Curitiba, and the possibility of classification for the international stage, which takes place in The Hague, seat city of the court.
Professors in charge
Heloisa Estellita and Sylvia Steiner
Clara Batista, João Pedro de Souza and Paloma Romero
Study Group on Capital Markets
What is it?
This group is a study and research unit composed of undergraduate students from FGV Sao Paulo Law School, and linked to the school's Study Group on Financial and Capital Market. It aims to deepen studies and research on relevant topics of Business law. Created in 2017, the group meets weekly to hold debates with the participation of scholars and invited professionals.
Professors in charge
Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho and Viviane Prado
Analy Leal Moura and Manoela Bruno Morales Naquis
Grupo de Estudos em Fusões e Aquisições
O que é
Em sua terceira edição, o grupo abordará por completo o processo de uma transação de M&A, do começo ao fim, trazendo temáticas essenciais ao profissional atuante na área. A base de leitura foi estruturada majoritariamente em torno da obra “Fusões e Aquisições”, de Sérgio Botrel, que será acompanhada por textos de outros grandes nomes do mercado a serem designados pelos convidados. Além disso, serão trabalhados casos paradigmáticos e que marcaram importantes discussões jurídicas no cenário nacional. Dentro de uma estrutura socrática, as aulas buscam a participação e engajamento dos alunos, por meio da construção conjunta do aprendizado, e serão ministradas por convidados externos que possuem experiência.
Docente responsável
Rodrigo Fialho Borges
André Salles, Henrique Heller e Lorena Ferreira
Grupo de Estudos de Compliance Empresarial
O que é
O Grupo de Estudos de Compliance Empresarial é um espaço dedicado ao estudo e debate do compliance, na perspectiva ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), que tem por objetivo aprofundar discussões interdisciplinares, com foco na correlação entre o compliance e as diversas áreas de atuação empresariais e corporativas, tendo como pilares a ética, a integridade e o respeito aos direitos humanos.
Docente responsável
Janaína Vieira de Castro
Janaína Vieira de Castro e Lucienne Cwikler Szajnbok
Grupo de Estudos Constitucionais
O que é
O Grupo de Estudos Constitucionais (Greco), vinculado ao Núcleo de Justiça e Constituição (NJC) da FGV Direito SP, tem como objetivo apresentar e estimular a reflexão em temas de Direito constitucional entre estudantes de diferentes cursos, instituições e períodos da graduação. O grupo visa fornecer aos participantes as referências e os instrumentos necessários para a compreensão e o enfrentamento crítico das principais temáticas discutidas atualmente no Direito constitucional, a fim de produzir um diálogo profícuo não somente entre os integrantes do Greco, mas com os debates acadêmicos do ramo. A cada semestre, um eixo temático será definido com o propósito de ordenar todos os encontros do grupo. Nesse semestre nosso eixo temático é "Eleições, Constituição e democracia representativa".
Docentes responsáveis
Dimitri Dimoulis e Nikolay Bispo
Barbára Magarian, João Pedro Rodrigues Oliveira, Lucas Bertolo e Marco Costa
Grupo de Estudos em Direito Tributário
Docente Responsável:
Eurico Santi
Bruna Leal, Júlia Frigatto e Maria Murta
O grupo tem o objetivo de promover o aprofundamento no estudo de temas que abrangem o Direito Tributário os quais são objeto de projetos de pesquisa do Núcleo de Estudos Fiscais (NEF).
Grupo Interinstitucional de Filosofia e Teoria do Direito (FGV- FDUSP)
Docente responsável:
Clarissa Piterman Gross e Victor Nóbrega Luccas
O grupo pretende desenvolver a capacidade dos alunos de realizar uma leitura rigorosa de textos complexos e ao mesmo tempo estimular a reflexão e a formação de um raciocínio crítico a partir do material lido. Ademais, visa a um aprofundamento teórico em temas de Teoria do Direito e Filosofia do Direito para além da abordagem positivista e/ou panorâmica muitas vezes adotada em cursos de graduação de teoria do direito, filosofia política, direitos humanos, direito constitucional e introdução ao estudo do direito.
O grupo de estudos busca também familiarizar os alunos com o debate atual em torno da racionalidade ou irracionalidade das decisões jurídicas, fazendo especial referência ao uso do direito como paradigma de racionalidade prática de acordo com regras. Discute-se também se em que sentido o direito se relaciona com a justiça.
Grupo de Estudos de Compliance
Docente Responsável:
Carlos Ayres
O grupo de estudos promove o estudo avançado de temas relacionados ao compliance, com foco especial na Lei nº 12.846/2013, seu decreto regulamentador e temas relacionados. Nesse contexto, o grupo de estudos tem como objetivos principais: (i) aprofundar conhecimentos avançados nas áreas propostas; (ii) promover debates em temas relevantes da área; e (iii) realizar estudos e apresentar sugestões de propostas de soluções para questões concretas.
Student competitions
National and international student competitions are rich learning processes that develop attitude, professionalism, efficient communication, and creativity, in an environment of intense interaction with students from different cultures and legal traditions. FGV Sao Paulo Law School encourages students’ participation by offering a support structure that includes preparation workshops, and referral to experienced coaches and monitors in the areas of expertise of each competition.
Despite its recent history, FGV Sao Paulo Law School had a significant participation in international student competitions, achieving important positions in several of them.
Find out more about the competitions that have the participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School teams.
ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition
What is it?
Organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the competition takes place every year in Paris, and encourages teaching and learning of mediation as a form of conflict resolution.
Business Mediation
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2007, and got an excellent performance record in the competition, including the 1st place in 2008, and two third places in 2007 and 2012.
Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot
What is it?
Held by an association of law schools, arbitration bodies, and UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), the competition takes place annually in Vienna to debate the resolution of disputes through arbitration. Every year, more than 300 schools participate in the competition.
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2007. In 2014, the team was ranked among the 32 best, and one student received an honorable mention as a speaker. In 2019, the team ranked 1st in the Pre-Moot of Curitiba, and in 2020 it got the same position in the Pre-Moot of Souto Correa.
Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition
What is it?
Held by the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and the American University Washington College of Law, the competition held its first edition in 1995, and today is trilingual (English, Spanish and Portuguese). Created to instruct lawyers to operationalize the Inter-American Human Rights System, the competition takes place in Washington, and has trained more than three thousand students around the world.
Human Rights
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2015. In 2019, the team ranked first in the competition. In 2018, the team won the 1st best victims' memorial in Portuguese, and in 2020 the team was ranked 2nd in that category.
Brazilian Arbitration Competition Petrônio Muniz
What is it?
The competition, created in 2010, is held by the Business Mediation and Arbitration Chamber Brazil (Camarb). It disseminates the practice of arbitration, encourages its study, and contributes to train more qualified professionals for working in the area.
Arbitration in Brazilian Law
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
The FGV Sao Paulo Law School team won the competition in 2016, and three of its students won individual awards as best speakers.
John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition
What is it?
Since 2001, the competition is held by The European Law Students Association (ELSA), which simulates commercial disputes held at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The initial stages take place in several countries. The final stage, in Geneva.
International Trade
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2010, and got the 1st place in the regional phase, in 2014, and one of the speakers received an honorable mention. In 2019, the team reached the semi-finals and won the award for the best respondent (required) memorial.
Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
What is it?
It is the biggest moot competition, with more than 600 teams from 80 countries. It takes place annually, and simulates a process before the International Court of Justice, a United Nations agency. The initial stages are national, and the final stage takes place in Washington.
Public International Law
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2008. In 2015, the team ranked 8th at the Brazilian stage.
International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Court Competition
What is it?
The main goal of the competition is to disseminate knowledge and studies on International Criminal Law, the performance of international courts and their jurisprudence, as well as the work developed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) with member countries. ICC seeks the end of large-scale crimes against civilian populations and of the impunity of those most responsible for such crimes. The competitions simulate ICC hearings, whether in the opening of an investigation, confirmation of the charges, trial or appeal, based on a fictitious case.
International Criminal Court
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
School teams have participated since 2012, have achieved a 4th place, and, in 2013, the national 1st place.
Brazilian Process Competition
What is it?
The competition’s goal is the development and improvement of study and practice of civil procedure in Brazil.
Civil Procedure
Participation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School
In 2018, the team ranked 10th.