Duração do curso
18 to 30 months

Schedule program and extracurricular activities 

Last updated: 02/03/2022

The curricular structure of the Professional Master's Program is connected with the courses of action and research projects, as it works with thematic content that supports the student’s final paper. The disciplines encourage students and professors to think about and discuss theoretical issues and practical problems, which can be the object of further studies and research within the scope of their respective projects.

Disciplines were organized around fields of experience, not fragments or clusters of pieces of legislation. Instead of courses on contracts in-kind, indirect taxes, or administrative acts, traditionally guided by their legislative systematization, students are exposed to real problems that involve, but are not limited to, the legislative treatment given to these matters.

Students must take general compulsory disciplines, specific compulsory disciplines, and general  electives, achieving, at least, 8 courses of 30 hours.

The student must also enroll in extracurricular academic activities, including participation in methodology and research seminars, monitoring of boards with report delivery, engagement in applied research projects, or technical assistance linked to the program, or still the guided production of essays and articles.

The program's syllabus consists of subjects that dialogue with the concrete reality of Law practiced in law firms, companies, public bodies, and the third sector. To get a master's degree, the student must attend at least 8 subjects of 30 hours, perform extracurricular activities, and produce a final paper under a professor’s guidance. The program follows the school calendar: each academic semester lasts four months (March to June; August to November), interspersed with vacation periods. Classes can take place weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, depending on the program line or the class profile. Some subjects are mandatory, due to their transversal nature or thematic relevance for each line of the program. There is also a wide range of elective courses, and it is up to the student to choose those that interest him. Part of the course load of subjects can also be fulfilled with monitored activities.  

The common mandatory subjects cut across all lines, with the possibility of some customization, covering Theory of Law, Law and Economics, and Finance and Accounting. Compulsory subjects are concerned with recovering the theoretical basis from a critical perspective, although committed to practical applicability in the professional environment. In addition, they serve to develop the student’s capacity for multidisciplinary dialogue, without aspirations for specialization, to implement the program's proposal.

The specific mandatory disciplines work on concepts, issues, and problems directly related to the thematic cut of each program’s course of action, although they can also be taken as elective by students linked to other lines. The objective, in this case, is not the transmission of systematized knowledge (as is normally done in specialization courses), but the selective approach to topics that encourage the student to exercise critical judgment and continue his/her studies independently, mostly through guided research for the final paper.

Elective courses are offered regularly, and can be taken by students linked to any of the program lines. They extend the integration between the different lines, as well as deepen the study of more specific topics, according to the interest of each student and his/herr research proposal for  the final paper.

The program seeks to encourage circulation and academic coexistence among students, regardless of the line they chose, as a way to promote studies and research with multidisciplinary approaches that meet the objective of a wider and more qualified professional training.

See below the current syllabus of the program and the professors of each subject.


Mestrado Profissional
Disciplinas Obrigatórias Comuns
Disciplinas Específicas Direito dos Negócios
Disciplinas Específicas Direito Tributário
Disciplinas Específicas Direito Público
Disciplinas Específicas Direito Penal Econômico
Disciplinas Específicas Direito e Tecnologia
Disciplinas Eletivas Comuns

Global Law Program

Conheça as disciplinas do Global Law Program