Duração do curso
5 years
Período de inscrição
24/10 - 25/12/2021
Inscrição Enem e Processo Seletivo Internacional: até 03/01/2025
Legal Practice

At FGV Sao Paulo Law School, practical classes complement theory. The school coordination offers students practical training activities and extra-curricular activities. Practical training activities include multidisciplinary projects and legal practice clinics. On the other hand, extracurricular activities, required by national curricular norms and are mandatory for students to complete their undergraduate curriculum, are offered in different formats.

Alunas na Clínica de Acesso à Justiça analisando processos judiciais
Legal Practice Clinics

Legal Practice Clinics aim to deepen professional practice in different areas of expertise, while helping students to develop essential skills for the job market.

Multidisciplinary Projects

Multidisciplinary projects are disciplines based on projects of complex themes that result in proposals for real intervention, produced by students under the supervision of two professors from different Law areas.
