Duração do curso
5 years
Período de inscrição
24/10 - 25/12/2021
Inscrição Enem e Processo Seletivo Internacional: até 03/01/2025
FGV Sao Paulo Law School Selection Process

The selection process at FGV Sao Paulo Law School consists of three modalities – National Entrance Exam, International Entrance Exam, and Enem (National High School Exam) – and follows principles similar to those that guided the course design. We did not use multiple-choice tests  and excluded the subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology. On the other hand, we require knowledge in visual arts, cinema, music, and national and foreign literature, in addition to writing, Portuguese language, history, geography, logical-mathematical reasoning, and English. The second stage of the entrance exam is an oral exam, carried out in small groups of students who must discuss the topic proposed by the examiners. In this phase, we intend to evaluate skills, such as the ability to work in groups, to express themselves orally, to argue with reason, and to propose consistent solutions, among others.

Alunos e alunas da Graduação no Espaço de Convivência da FGV Direito SP

Basic information

FGV Sao Paulo Law School offers 80 vacancies for the Undergraduate course: 68 for the National Entrance Exam, 10 for Enem, and 2 for the International Entrance Exam. Applications will be accepted exclusively through the internet, at https://vestibular.fgv.br/en/courses/sao-paulo/law, where the candidate will find the notice and other information on the selection process.

National and International Entrance Exams

The selection process – National and International Entrance Exams - consist of two phases. The first phase comprises  essay tests in Portuguese, writing, English, contemporary arts and issues, logical-mathematical reasoning, geography, and history. The first stage of the entrance exam intends to asses the following skills:


1. Reading and understanding texts

2. Production of texts suited to different needs and circumstances, by evaluating coherence, clarity, lexical precision, and exhaustive argumentation

3. Observation and interpretation of documents such as texts, maps, prints, paintings, caricatures, and graphics

4. Reasoning, Argumentation, and Criticism

5. Analysis and synthesis

6. Ability to diagnose situations and propose forms of intervention

7. Using knowledge to understand the world where you live.

The second phase consists of an oral exam, carried out in small groups of students who must discuss the topic proposed by the examiners, which aims to assess skills, such as the ability to work in groups, to express themselves orally, to argue with reason, to propose consistent solutions, among others.

Vestibular por Demanda Social e Diversidade

O Processo Seletivo – Vestibular por Demanda Social e Diversidade (Vestibular DSD) - é composto por duas fases.

primeira fase consiste em provas de língua portuguesa, redação, língua inglesa, artes e questões contemporâneas, matemática, geografia e história.

Não há conteúdos de química, física e biologia. A primeira fase do vestibular pretende examinar as seguintes capacidades:

1. Leitura e compreensão de textos

2. Produção de textos adequados às diferentes necessidades e circunstâncias, sendo avaliada a coerência, a clareza, a precisão lexical e a argumentação exaustiva

3. Observação e interpretação de documentos, tais como textos, mapas, gravuras, pinturas, caricaturas e gráficos

4. Raciocínio, argumentação e crítica

5. Análise e síntese

6. Habilidade em diagnosticar situações e propor formas de intervenção

7. Utilização do conhecimento para compreender o mundo em que vive.

segunda fase é composta por um exame oral, realizado em pequenos grupos, que devem debater o tema proposto pelos examinadores. Nesta etapa são avaliadas habilidades como a capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, de expressar-se oralmente, de argumentar de maneira fundamentada, propor soluções consistentes, entre outras.

Vestibular Internacional

O Processo Seletivo – Vestibular Internacional é feito com base nos resultados do International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB), ABITUR, Baccauléarat (BAC) e Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Podem participar candidatos brasileiros e estrangeiros que tiverem realizado, em qualquer uma das edições dos últimos dois anos, um desses exames, e tiverem atendido a pontuação prevista no edital do processo seletivo vigente.

A segunda fase é composta por um exame oral, realizado em pequenos grupos que devem debater o tema proposto pelos examinadores, onde se pretende avaliar habilidades, tais como a capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, de expressar-se oralmente, de argumentar de maneira fundamentada, propor soluções consistentes, entre outras.


At FGV Law, the National High School Exam– Enem - is carried out in two stages.

The first considers the student’s grades in the exam, which is organized by  the National Institute of Educational Studies and  Research, of the Ministry of Education (INEP/MEC).

The second stage consists of an oral exam, carried out in small groups of students who must debate the topic proposed by the examiners, which aims to assess skills, such as the ability to work in groups, to express themselves orally, to argue with reason, and to propose consistent solutions, among others.

Dupla Graduação em Direito e Administração

O aluno ou aluna que pretende cursar a dupla graduação deve se submeter às provas gerais do Vestibular FGV e às provas específicas de cada curso que compõem sua opção (Direito e Administração de Empresas ou Direito e Administração Pública). 

Informações básicas

A FGV Direito SP e a Escola de Administração (EAESP) da FGV oferecem ao todo 12 vagas para a Dupla Graduação em Direito e Administração de Empresas ou Direito e Administração Pública, sendo:

Direito e Administração de Empresas:

4 vagas pelo Vestibular Nacional e 2 vagas pelo ENEM

Direito e Administração Pública:

4 vagas pelo Vestibular Nacional e 2 vagas pelo ENEM

Informações sobre o curso de Dupla Graduação (Vestibular)



O Processo Seletivo – Vestibular Nacional - é composto por duas fases diferentes para cada modalidade de dupla graduação escolhida.

Para o curso de Direito e Administração de Empresas, a primeira fase é composta de  provas discursivas de redação, artes e questões contemporâneas, matemática, história, geografia e língua portuguesa; e provas objetivas de língua portuguesa, língua inglesa, matemática, história e geografia.

Para o curso de Direito e Administração Pública, a primeira fase é composta de provas discursivas de redação, artes e questões contemporâneas, história, geografia e língua portuguesa; e provas objetivas de língua portuguesa, língua inglesa, matemática, história e geografia.

Já a segunda fase do Vestibular para Direito e Administração de Empresas e Direito e Administração Pública é composta por dois exames orais com características diferentes para cada curso. O exame oral da FGV Direito SP é realizado em pequenos grupos de alunos que devem debater o tema proposto pelos examinadores. Nessa fase, pretende-se avaliar habilidades, tais como a capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, de expressar-se oralmente, de argumentar de maneira fundamentada, propor soluções consistentes, entre outras. Já o exame oral realizado pela Escola de Administração (EAESP) tem como objetivo avaliar três aspectos: a capacidade de argumentar e justificar a escolha vocacional; habilidades analíticas manifestadas oralmente pelo candidato; e capacidade de iniciativa apresentada pelo candidato na entrevista vinculada a três dimensões: capacidade do candidato de influenciar o meio em que atua, de interagir com novas experiências sociais e, ainda, de exercer plenamente sua autonomia nas organizações, respeitando as posições dos demais indivíduos.


O Processo Seletivo Nacional – Enem é composto por duas fases.

primeira fase consiste no aproveitamento de notas do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM). A classificação dos candidatos é realizada com base nas notas fornecidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Educacionais do Ministério da Educação (INEP/MEC).

Já a segunda fase é composta por dois exames orais com características diferentes para cada curso. O exame oral da FGV Direito SP é realizado em pequenos grupos de alunos que devem debater o tema proposto pelos examinadores. Nessa fase, pretende-se avaliar habilidades, tais como a capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, de expressar-se oralmente, de argumentar de maneira fundamentada, propor soluções consistentes, entre outras. Já o exame oral realizado pela Escola de Administração (EAESP) tem como objetivo avaliar três aspectos: a capacidade de argumentar e justificar a escolha vocacional; habilidades analíticas manifestadas oralmente pelo candidato; e capacidade de iniciativa apresentada pelo candidato na entrevista vinculada a três dimensões: capacidade do candidato de influenciar o meio em que atua, de interagir com novas experiências sociais e, ainda, de exercer plenamente sua autonomia nas organizações, respeitando as posições dos demais indivíduos.

Access more information about FGV Sao Paulo Law School Selection Process

Career opportunities 

The professional graduated in Law has a wide area for acting, such as law firms, companies, and consulting. This plural formation is also very much in demand abroad, the destination of many students of FGV Sao Paulo Law School.


What is Law?

Law is a set of rules that regulate different dimensions of our lives. All of us, in the position of father, son, heir, entrepreneur, owner, consumer, employee, taxpayer, citizen, among others, have rights and duties. The Brazilian State itself, according to our 1988 Constitution, must obey legal rules. When we talk about Law, we are talking about the world of law and justice, and the legal professional must be qualified, not only to guide within this complex tangle of rules or to help solving conflicts, but also, together with economists, managers, political scientists, sociologists, etc., to imagine and propose legislative interventions that address the main Brazilian problems.

The Bachelor of Law has one of the widest ranges of professional practice. In the public and private sectors, there are a large number of typical legal professions that can only be exercised by those who have a law degree. In the public sector, the activities of judge, prosecutor, and lawyer for state entities stand out. In the private sector, the law has recently gained increasingly specialized areas of activity, both nationally and internationally. In addition to these typical activities, the legal professional is increasingly required to work in other fields, such as diplomacy, mediation and arbitration, political advice, business consulting, journalism, etc. Recently, the demand for professionals with legal training has also become significant in international and non-governmental organizations related to the environment, human rights, education, and consumer protection, among others. See below some career opportunities in Law.

International insertion

Advice to International Organizations

Rights of the Human Person

Diplomatic Representations

International Arbitration






Public career

Federal and State Public Ministry

State and Municipal Attorney


Police station

 Office of the Attorney General Public defender’s Office


Financial system

Stock market




Civil Society/States

Regulatory agencies

Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest (CSOs)


Governing Bodies


Business Space

Business advice




Law office

Large, medium or small, law firms meet demands from different areas of law and can specialize in serving specific areas. See below a menu of some of the existing areas of Law:


Administrative law

Environmental law

Banking law

Civil right

Constitutional right

Contract law

Consumer law

Economic law

Family and Succession Law

Financial law

Global law

Human rights

Real estate law

Capital market law

Criminal law

Procedural law

Property right

Insurance law

Corporate law

Information technology law

Labor and social security law

Tax law

Moradia para quem vem de fora de São Paulo

A FGV em São Paulo conta com uma parceria com a Uliving, empresa de moradias estudantis que oferece moradias modernas, bem localizadas e seguras a estudantes de fora de São Paulo que ingressam na FGV Direito SP e buscam um local para se instalarem na capital paulista.

Saiba mais em FGV e Uliving - Conheça a moradia oficial da FVG


Frequently asked questions

How is the selection process for the Undergraduate Program at FGV Sao Paulo Law School?

FGV Sao Paulo Law School selection process follows principles similar to those that guided the course design. Thus, no multiple-choice test was adopted. The first phase will have tests with analytical and expository questions, from the following disciplines: Writing, Portuguese Language, English, Geography, History, Logical-Mathematical Reasoning, Arts and Contemporary Issues. The syllabus content of the tests in the first phase was significantly reduced, compared to the traditional entrance exams, in order to emphasize the assessment of the student's argumentation capacity, and not the memorization of a large amount of information. The second phase consists of an oral exam that will be carried out in small groups of students, who will discuss a problem situation proposed by the examiners.

Due to the recommendations of the health authorities regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the selection process will be online.

What will be evaluated in the first phase of the selection process?

The first phase of the selection process intends to examine the following capabilities:

1) Reading and understanding texts;

2) Production of texts oriented to different needs and circumstances, making use of expressive and rhetorical resources, such as coherence, clarity, lexical precision, and exhaustive argumentation;

3) Observation and interpretation of sculptures, prints, paintings, caricatures, and graphics;

4) Reflection on the musical and poetic language of a repertoire close to your everyday experience;

5) Reasoning, argumentation, and criticism;

6) Analysis and synthesis;

7) Ability to diagnose situations and propose forms of intervention;

8) Using knowledge to understand the world where you live.

How can I prepare myself for the art and contemporary issues test of the selection process?

This test fulfills the objective of selecting candidates capable of articulating a critical view of  the reality. For this purpose, the candidate should be able to carry out consistent readings on different subjects and languages in the fields of art and culture. In the case of literature, more than knowledge about period styles or general information about literary movements, the candidate is expected to provide, above all, a critical reading of fundamental texts. It is also expected that the candidate show analytical, comparative, and interpretative competence, relating the meaning of the works with the historical and social context where they are inserted. 

This year, we introduced a content innovation related to contemporary issues . In this new repertoire involving sociological, philosophical, and cultural approaches, usually called the humanities, we focused on two major contemporary topics: globalization and the transition from modernity to postmodernity. What we sought by introducing these two thematic axes was to demand from the candidate more than reading and conceptual mastery of the texts. We sought to demand, above all, the ability to articulate contemporary issues in their various approaches, whether moral, political, philosophical, cultural, or sociological, with the artistic and literary repertoire that also make up this examination. Hence, what we require from the candidate is mainly the ability to establish critical and analytical links between artistic expressions and social processes of that time. 

The organization of the program outlines some fundamental works from the 20th and 21st centuries, both Brazilian and international. It also indicates bibliography and websites, serving two basic purposes: to allow the candidate to have contact with significant artistic production, although not extensive; and guide him through the study, since the content requirement indicated here is, to a certain extent, unprecedented. 

How can I prepare myself for the 2nd phase of the selection process, which consists of an oral exam?

The oral exam will be the opportunity for the candidate to show, among other things, his/her capacity for oral expression, through the approach of the proposed problem situation. Some of the skills that will be required at the oral exam, as mentioned above, were developed throughout the candidate's educational trajectory.

How will we know the topic of debate at the oral examination of the selection process for the Undergraduate Program at FGV Sao Paulo Law School?

As in the written test, the problem situation and the corresponding theses will be known only after the beginning of the oral exam. There will be different topics for different dates and different times of application of the Exam. 

How will the oral exam of the undergraduate selection process be?

The oral exam will be held in groups of around eight candidates, and will have three distinct stages:

1st stage

Individual presentation. Candidates will be given a specific command to prepare a personal presentation of  10 minutes, at most. The order of presentations can be random or alphabetical, whichever is more favorable and efficient within the Zoom system. Once individual presentations are completed, candidates are informed of  stages II and III.

2nd stage

Group work. Two groups are formed. We present the problem situation to be discussed, and define the two theses with which the groups will work. Each group will be responsible for one of them, always opposite or in conflict with the other group, and will have up to 15 minutes to build, internally, the necessary arguments for defending its thesis. At this stage, the fundamental task is the development of group work.

3rd stage

Intergroup discussion. All candidates are placed in the same room, and the debate between the two groups formed in the 2nd stage begins. The purpose of the 3rd stage is to present and defend the opposing theses discussed above, as well as to attempt to demonstrate the validity and eventual superiority of one thesis over the other. This step is expected to last up to 15 minutes.

The examiners present will explain in detail all the rules for the activities, the working logic of each stage, how each candidate can intervene in the discussion, etc.

Why is there an oral exam in the undergraduate selection process?

FGV Sao Paulo Law School, after a long process of discussion, concluded that a selection process should seek to know the student as comprehensively as possible. An exclusively written test cannot measure a series of skills that the school values. The oral exam, in this sense, enables assessing characteristics that escape an exclusively written test.

What will be the venues for the tests?

Due to recommendations of the health authorities regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the tests of the selection process will be carried out virtually (online).

What is the schedule for the selection process?

Entrance exam schedule 2021



Publication of the Notice (National Entrance Exam, ENEM, and International Entrance Exam)


Beginning of registration and publication of the manual (National Entrance Exam, ENEM, and International Entrance Exam)


Closing of registrations (National and International Entrance Exams)

10/16/2020, 18h

Announcement of the 1st phase test locations

Online tests

1st phase tests

11/01 and 11/02/2020

Publication of classified for the 2nd phase

12/04/2020 after 18h

Announcement of the 2nd phase test locations

Online test

Oral exam

07 through 11 December and 14 to 15 December 2020

Final result - called for enrollment (National and International Entrance Exams )

01/11/2021 after 12h

Enrollment of those summoned in the 1st call (International Entrance Exam)

01/11 through 01/26/2021

Enrollment of those summoned in the 1st call (National Entrance Exam)

11/01 a 26/01/2021

Disclosure of summoned in the 2nd call (National Entrance Exam)


Closing of enrollment (ENEM)

12/02/2020, 18h

What is the duration of the tests in the undergraduate selection process?

1st Phase – 1st day of the Test 01/11/2020 – 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm ONLINE TEST

1st Phase – 2nd day of the Test 02/11/2020 – 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm ONLINE TEST

2nd Phase - Oral Exam - duration to be defined.

How many vacancies are offered for the Undergraduate program?

Up to 80 places are offered per year, with a maximum of 100 vacancies available, subject to the classification rank, the conditions for offering the course, and the specific authorization from the Ministry of Education.