
Extension Program

FGV Sao Paulo Law School established, as one of its primary goals since its inception, the provision of specialized services to the community, with the purpose of keeping a reciprocal relationship. The school firmly endorses the integrative and inseparable nature of extension, together with teaching and research activities, and seeks to bring the content addressed in the disciplines and research results to the community, whether local, regional, national, or international. Reciprocally, extension seeks to understand community demands related to the academic competencies of the university, in order to establish concrete paths for the university-society dialogue, allowing not only the democratization of knowledge but also an academic and cultural production, based on the social, economic, political and cultural reality.

Abertura Extensão
Structure of the Extension Program and Community Relations

In order to improve extension activities at FGV Direito SP and, considering the Guidelines for Extension in Brazilian Higher Education established in Resolution CNE/CES Nº 7/2018 and Resolution CNE/CES Nº 01/2020, the Program for Extension and Community Relations (CERC) is responsible for planning, selecting, disseminating and evaluating all activities and permanent extension projects within the scope of all the School's programs (Undergraduate, Academic Masters and Ph.D. Degrees, Professional Master´s Degree and Lato Sensu Graduate Program - FGV LAW), as well as the other Departments of the School (International Relations Coordination, Applied Legal Research Coordination, Adjunct Publications Coordination) and Collegiates (Ethics Commission and Diversity Committee) in synergy with the external community, as illustrated in the next image.

Extensão arte 1

The dialogue with external stakeholders intended by CERC is maily carried out by the Commmunity Relations Council, a collegiate body composed of a CERC´s representative, one representative of each of the School´s Programs (Undergraduate Program, Academic Masters and PhD, Professional Master´s Degree and FGV LAW), two faculty representatives, two student representatives, and three external members.

The purpose of the Council is to monitor the execution of all the activities of the Extension Program of FGV Direito SP and provide guidelines for constant improvement.

The Community Relations Council is a collegiate body with external participation, so anyone can apply to participate in this Council. 

Permanent Extension Projects

Permanent extension projects consist of a set of continuous procedural actions of educational, social, cultural and/or technological nature with a specific objective and linked to social impact. Currently, the FGV Direito SP Extension Program has the following permanent projects:

Innocence Project

What is it?

The Innocence Project Brazil is a non-profit association that seeks to reverse cases in which an innocent person has been unfairly condemned by the Brazilian criminal justice system. Created in December 2016, it is the first Brazilian organization aimed at reversing legal errors. Through a partnership with FGV Sao Paulo Law School, the Innocence Project intends, in addition to complementing students’ training in the areas of criminal law and criminal procedural law, to develop specific skills that are useful to their professional development. Students have access to both theoretical classes on topics involving legal error, and the opportunity to work on the front lines in cases of condemned innocents. The project aims to develop in the student an investigative look at the innocence evidence, to create a proactive culture while conducting criminal cases. The extension activity, which takes place since 2018, lasts one semester and involves internal and external students.

Supervising professor:

Flávia Rahal Bresser Pereira


Júlia Abrahão Homsi


Saracura Legal Assistance Center (CAJU)

What is it?

The Saracura Legal Assistance Center (CAJU) is an independent association formed by students, researchers, and professors from FGV Sao Paulo Law School, created in 2019 to provide free legal assistance to people who are unable to pay for lawyers or are socially vulnerable, especially in the Bela Vista region. CAJU is also active in rights education and strategic litigation projects.

Contact: cajudireitogv@gmail.com


Refugee Support Extension Project (PEAR)

What is it?

The Refugee Support Extension Project (PEAR) was created in 2019 from a partnership between FGV Sao Paulo Law School, FGV School of International Relations, and the General Coordination of the National Committee for Refugees (CG-Conare), linked to the Ministry of Justice. The purpose of PEAR are: research in the areas of Law and International Relations, on topics relevant to CG-CONARE activities; assistance in transcribing eligibility interviews of individuals applying for recognition of their refugee status before the Brazilian Government; and general administrative activities, with the administrative and refugee policy teams of CG-Conare. This project also seeks to become an opportunity to contributes to students’ development, by promoting social awareness of migratory movements and ensuring human rights through opportunities for learning through experience and reflection.

PEAR operates in biannual cycles and brings students from the Law and International Relations courses closer to the topic of international migration, with a focus on the process of receiving refugees in Brazil. The project is based on a practical teaching-learning experience, executed through the experience of real care of refugees and asylum seekers at the Conare representative office in São Paulo. Hence, the project seeks to promote integrated learning, where technical-conceptual knowledge is complemented by a concrete perception of the needs and difficulties faced by refugees and asylum seekers; therefore, it expands the perception of reality, of the environment, and of themselves.

Supervising Professors:

Cassia Nakano (FGV Sao Paulo Law School) and Carolina Moeleckle (FGV RI) 

Centro de Estudos Jurídicos (CEJUR)

O Centro de Estudos Jurídicos Júnior (CEJUR) é um projeto de extensão formado por alunos de diferentes cursos da FGV em São Paulo. Trata-se de uma empresa júnior da FGV Direito SP que, além de contribuir na formação discente desenvolvendo habilidade de comunicação, planejamento estratégico, capacidade reflexiva e crítica para o mundo dos negócios, presta serviços paralegais pro bono ou a baixo custo, tendo como principais clientes empresas, startups e ONGs. O CEJUR também realiza treinamentos e eventos.

Docentes responsáveis

Daniel Pereira Campos (FGV Direito SP)

Viviane Muller Prado (FGV Direito SP)


Natalia Porto (aluna da Graduação)

Tiago Santos (aluno da Graduação)


Instagram: @cejur_fgv

LinkedIn: Cejur FGV - Centro de Estudos Jurídicos Júnior

PEDRU – Projeto de Extensão O Direito na Rua

Criado em 2023, o Projeto de Extensão O Direito na Rua (PEDRU) tem o objetivo de discutir a relação entre direito e políticas públicas na efetivação dos direitos das pessoas em situação de rua. Com vistas a garantir a aproximação das duas áreas, o projeto se estrutura em encontros presenciais teóricos para discussão de textos sobre os direitos das pessoas em situação de rua, em especial no tocante a dados sobre serviços e autores referenciais nas áreas do serviço social e antropologia. Com vistas a aproximar o projeto a outras extensões universitárias, os encontros de discussão são realizados em parceria com a Clínica Luiz Gama de Direitos Humanos da Faculdade de Direito da USP.

Em complemento às discussões teóricas, são organizadas visitas técnicas supervisionadas a espaços que oferecem atendimento à população em situação de rua. Os espaços são locais que oferecem atendimento jurídico (tais como Defensoria Pública do Estado, Defensoria Pública da União e Balcão de Direitos da OAB), assim como serviços que estão inseridos na rede de políticas públicas da cidade de São Paulo vinculados à Secretaria de Assistência Social e Secretaria de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania.

O objetivo do grupo é proporcionar a experiência prática e promover a reflexão crítica sobre a estruturação dos serviços públicos e o papel do Direito como instrumento de transformação social. Os produtos de impacto social dependem do desenvolver das atividades, sendo possível a contribuição por meio de orientações jurídicas, prática de advocacy e levantamento de dados para litígios estratégicos na área.


Luciana Marin Ribas (FGV Direito SP)

Wilherson Carlos Luiz (ex-aluno do Mestrado Acadêmico)


Instagram: @pedrufgv


Academic Extension Activities

Academic extension activities constitute the articulated set of pedagogical actions, of a theoretical or practical nature, planned and organized in order to directly involve the external community through a dialogic interaction providing the citizenship education of the students. They are offered within the scope of the different programs and collective research units of FGV Direito SP.

The extension can also occur in independent academic activities, in the various programs of FGV Direito SP, as long as they provide results of social impact and that effectively involve the external community in the development of activities. They are modalities of independent academic activities, research, publications and complementary activities of a social nature.

Academic extension activities can take place in the modalities of disciplines below.


Fale com o Programa de Extensão da FGV Direito SP