Renovating and updating Law’s teaching methodology, with the development of participatory educational methods, is in the genesis of the creation of FGV Sao Paulo Law School, and still today is one of its fundamental pillars.
Since its foundation, FGV São Paulo Law School has strived to develop a repertoire of interactive techniques that make students react and step out of a passive attitude of receiving the knowledge transmitted by professors, making them the leading actors in their learning journey.
Instead of the traditional expository class, where the teacher acts as a monologue, FGV Sao Paulo Law School uses a set of differentiated teaching methods – such as the Socratic method, the case method, role playing, problem-based learning, and clinics, among others – that stimulate learning through reasoning. Students are then able to solve problems autonomously, with support – not tutelage – from the professor.
Over the years, these methods have been improved and are constantly renewed, based on a continuous reflection by school’s faculty and researchers.
The Center for Teaching and Research on Innovation (CEPI) was created in 2018, to promote a greater insertion of debates on Law and new Technologies in the syllabus of undergraduate and graduate law courses, analyze the reality of Brazilian legal education, and develop new methods for Law teaching, based on the principles of participatory teaching.
Teacher training
FGV Sao Paulo Law School is aware of its role as a catalyst for changes in Law teaching through the use of participatory methods, and shares the knowledge accumulated in reflections and research with society, by fostering various initiatives for teacher training.
As a way of acknowledging participatory legal teaching practices across the country, FGV Sao Paulo Law School created the Esdras Award for Law Teaching, aimed at professors who teach legal subjects in Law courses or in courses of other areas of knowledge in Brazil.
Ensino Jurídico Participativo Online
Em março de 2020 a pandemia da Covid-19 levou muitas instituições de ensino a migrarem suas operações para o ambiente online. Assim também ocorreu na FGV Direito SP, onde professores dos diferentes programas – Graduação e Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu e Stricto Sensu - foram treinados para o uso de novas ferramentas que permitissem a manutenção da qualidade de ensino no meio virtual. Para além da mudança de ambiente, a escola se debruçou sobre o novo cenário e, a partir das experiências vividas em sala de aula e da interlocução com outras instituições, produziu dois guias de ensino jurídico participativo virtual que têm como objetivo explorar diferentes possibilidades de aprendizagem e auxiliar e inspirar professores de todo o país.
Acesse abaixo os Guias de Ensino Participativo online.
Besides adapting classes from different learning programs to the virtual environment, FGV Sao Paulo Law School has taken a series of projects and initiatives since the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020.