Tax Law 

The Tax Law line involves the study and research of legal practices and solutions adopted in the tax field, from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of reality, with an emphasis on business activity, business structuring, taxation policies, collection techniques, resolution of disputes, and professional ethics. All courses  of action unfold into projects with more specific thematic cuts. See below the projects linked to the Tax Law line.

Talk to the coordinator

Professor Mario Engler Pinto Jr.

Search on frontier themes

Learn more about the Tax Law line of the Professional Master's Degree at FGV Sao Paulo Law School with Professor Flávio Rubinstein.

Research projects 

Taxation Policies and Fiscal Management

The purpose of the Taxation Policies and Fiscal Management project is to promote the study and research of practices and legal solutions on taxation models and collection techniques, covering issues and problems regarding tax justice, tax transparency, federative conflicts, tax incentives, and international discipline of taxation. 

Tax Governance and Business Management

The purpose of the Tax Governance and Business Management project is to promote the study and research practices and legal solutions on tax conditions for investment decisions, organization of business activity and choice of business models, covering issues and problems on taxation of specific sectors or transactions, tax governance, tax planning, and tax liability.

Tax Process

The purpose of the Tax Process project is to promote the study and research of legal practices and solutions on administrative and judicial tax process, covering issues and problems on procedural strategies, decision-making models, judging bodies, impact of court decisions on tax relations, and mechanisms of binding jurisprudence.

Teoria, Metodologia e Profissões Jurídicas

O projeto focaliza temáticas sobre as diferentes vertentes da teoria do direito e suas implicações práticas no campo dos negócios, da tributação, da atuação pública e dos crimes econômicos. Também abrange questões sobre metodologia de pesquisa para uso acadêmico e profissional, combinado com tendências do mercado de trabalho, organização e deontologia da atuação profissional, e dilemas éticos.

Saiba mais sobre os projetos de pesquisa da linha de Direito Tributário

Neste vídeo, a professora Tathiane Piscitelli aborda os diferentes projetos de pesquisa da linha de Direito Tributário do Mestrado Profissional.

Conheça a agenda de pesquisa docente

Acesse a playlist com a agenda de pesquisa docente e conheça as oportunidades de orientação para o trabalho de conclusão de curso do Mestrado Profissional da FGV Direito SP.

Projetos de pesquisa docente