Tax Law Center

Taxation and Gender

The research group on taxation and gender of the Tax Law Center of the Professional Master's Degree at FGV Sao Paulo Law School was created in June 2020 to do research, discuss, and present reform proposals that focus on reducing gender inequality in the Brazilian tax burden. The group observed that the tax burden for products intended  only for women is 40% higher than for products intended for men, although the Federal Constitution guarantees equality between men and women.

Due to this reality, researchers from FGV Sao Paulo Law School, in partnership with Tributos a Elas (Taxes forWwomen, in a free translation), an initiative of the Attorney General's Office of the National Treasury, created a group to study gender differences in Brazilian taxation, guide the academic debate on the subject, and propose legislative changes, especially during the tax reform proposal underway in the National Congress.



Tathiane Piscitelli

Núbia Castilhos

Projetos de Pesquisa

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