
André Janjácomo Rosilho

Professor at FGV São Paulo Law School since:
Permanent Faculty
Part-time Faculty
Curso de vínculo:
Doutorado Profissional
Mestrado Profissional

Doctor in Administrative Law (2016) from University of São Paulo (USP) and Master in Law and Development (2011) from FGV Sao Paulo Law School. He was a visiting student, during his Master's Degree, of Affaires Publiques, at Institut d'Études Politiques, SciencesPo, Paris (2011). He graduated in Law (2009) from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). He is currently a collaborating professor of public law in the Professional Master's program; professor of the FGV LAW Lato Sensu Graduate Program, both at FGV Sao Paulo Law School. He is the Coordinator of the TCU Observatory at FGV Sao Paulo Law School Public Group + Brazilian Society of Public Law (SBDP). Lawyer in São Paulo.

Research bodies