Marcos Galileu Lorena Dutra
Marcos Galileu Lorena Dutra joined the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) in December 1997, where he is an Analyst of the Market Surveillance Department. He was nominated to be a full member of Conselho de Recursos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional - CRSFN (an Administrative Court of Appeals) in 2004, where he stayed as a CVM representative until 2008. Before becoming a CVM federal employee, Marcos Galileu worked as an Assistant Auditor at Price Waterhouse (1991-1993) and later was selected to join the Trainee Program of Saint Gobain (1994-1996).
Marcos Galileu earned his Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (1993) and his Master's degree (2001) from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP). He also holds a Law Degree (1999) and a Ph.D. in Law (2008) both from the University of São Paulo (USP).
His main areas of interest are Corporate and Securities Law.