
Direito GV Law Review
ISSN 2317-6172
Qualis/Capes A1

Direito GV Lae Review (ISSN 2317-6172) is an online academic publication from  FGV Sao Paulo Law School., published quarterly and ranked Qualis/Capes A1. Direito GV Lae Review publishes articles, reviews, and unprecedented translations (nationally or internationally) with diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, including interdisciplinary applied research articles or working papers in the fields of Law & Development, Law & Society, and Law & Economics. Direito GV Law Review also accepts working papers on national, international, and global Law, Theory, Sociology, Philosophy, History of Law, and legal education.

Revista Direito GV
Revista Jurídica Profissional
ISSN: 2764-8664


A Revista Jurídica Profissional, de formato eletrônico e periodicidade semestral, foi idealizada pelo Mestrado Profissional da FGV Direito SP, responsável por sua curadoria. Trata-se de um veículo para disseminação de conhecimento jurídico aplicado, com ênfase em boas práticas e inovação, a partir da abordagem crítica de temas, questões e problemas de interesse dos profissionais do Direito.

FGV Digital Library

FGV Digital Library (BD-FGV) was created in 2008, to structure, select, offer intellectual access, interpret, distribute, preserve, and promote the national and international visibility of Fundação Getulio Vargas’s scientific production, in its different dimensions and perspectives. BD-FGV also organizes the FGV academic community’s access to various research resources in digital collections available at the institution, and keeps the FGV Academic Institutional Repository, FGV scientific journals and magazines, digital book collections, national and international scientific journals, in addition to keeping partnerships with hundreds of databases to access national and international journals and books  for the internal community.

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