Supreme Court on the Agenda

Agenda for the Rights of Children and Teenagers in the Federal Supreme Court

Ano de criação

The research “Agenda for the rights of children and teenagers in the Federal Supreme Court” was carried out through a partnership between Supreme Court on the Agenda, FGV Sao Paulo Law School, and Alana Institute. The research consisted of mapping future judgments of the Supreme Court (STF) that dealt with actions that affected the rights of children and teenagers, enabling the identification of a prospective agenda fro the Supreme Court, allowing the participation of organizations that work on this theme.



Instituto Alana

Produtos de Pesquisa

  • Livros

    A prioridade absoluta dos direitos de criancas e adolescentes nas cortes superiores brasileiras

    Autor(es): Eloísa Machado de Almeida , Ana Laura Pereira Barbosa , Luíza Pavan Ferraro
  • Relatórios

    Agenda dos direitos da criança e do adolescente no Supremo Tribunal Federal

    Autor(es): Eloísa Machado de Almeida , Lívia Gil Guimarães , Juliana Fabbron Marin Marin , Luíza Pavan Ferraro
  • Bancos de dados

    Interpretação da prioridade absoluta dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes pelas cortes superiores: Supremo Tribunal Federal e Superior Tribunal de Justiça

    Autor(es): Eloísa Machado de Almeida , Luíza Pavan Ferraro , Ana Laura Pereira Barbosa