Gender and Law Center

Democracy and representation in 2018 and 2022 elections: election campaigns, financing, and gender diversity

Ano de criação

The research was guided by the general research question: how did formal and informal rules of the political-electoral game affect women’s insertion in Brazilian institutional politics in the 2018 elections? Moreover, what will it be like in 2022? It focused on applications for federal deputy, and from the study of application quotas by gender, electoral financing rules, the use of social networks in electoral campaigns, and the political trajectories of male and female representatives. The results indicate that it is necessary to look into political parties, to the locus of resource distribution, and to rethink actions within the scope of TSE (Superior Electoral Court) and Regional Electoral Courts, in order to change or deepen some measures that aim to fight gender and racial inequalities, for building a fairer and more democratic political system.





Catarina Barbieri

Luciana Ramos





Instituto Mattos Filho

Braga & Ruzzi Sociedade de Advogadas

Produtos de Pesquisa

  • Livros

    Candidatas em jogo: um estudo sobre os impactos das regras eleitorais na inserção de mulheres na política

    Autor(es): Luciana de Oliveira Ramos , Catarina Barbieri , Alice Herscovici , Hannah Maruci Aflalo , Ivan Osmo Mardegan , Juliana Fabbron Marin Marin , Laís Menegon Youssef , Vanilda Souza Chaves
  • Relatórios

    Democracia e representação nas eleições de 2018: campanhas eleitorais, financiamento e diversidade de gênero: relatório final (2018-2019)

    Autor(es): Luciana de Oliveira Ramos , Catarina Helena Cortada Barbieri , Fernanda Moraes , Hannah Maruci Aflalo , Ivan Osmo Mardegan , Juliana Fabbron Marin Marin , Laís Menegon Youssef , Ciro Biderman , George Avelino Filho
  • Vídeos

    Democracia e Representatividade nas Eleições de 2018 – Capitais políticos

    Autor(es): Luciana Ramos de Oliveira , Catarina Barbieri
  • Vídeos

    Democracia e Representatividade nas Eleições de 2018 – Financiamento eleitoral

    Autor(es): Luciana de Oliveira Ramos , Catarina Barbieri
  • Vídeos

    Democracia e Representatividade nas Eleições de 2018 – Redes sociais

    Autor(es): Luciana de Oliveira Ramos , Catarina Barbieri