The project investigates the current outlines of the academic Law and Economics movement worldwide, and in Brazil. The historical evolution and current transformation of the literature on Law and Economics are examined, by studying what we call “the rise and fall of the modularity approach (compartmentalization)” in law and economics, or Law and Economics 3.0. The project also seeks to analyze the uses of Law and Economics in Brazilian courts, taking into account the legal (including constitutional), economic, and social characteristics of the country.
Mariana Pargendler
Produtos de Pesquisa
- Artigos acadêmicos
Análise Econômica e Jurídica da Presunção de Boa-Fé no Direito Brasileiro
Autor(es): - Artigos acadêmicos
The Grip of Nationalism on Corporate Law
Autor(es): - Artigos acadêmicos
The Rise of International Corporate Law
- Papers
Controlling Shareholders in the Twenty-First Century: Complicating Corporate Governance Beyond Agency Costs