Support and Diversity Program
The Support and Diversity Program was created with the aim of training black undergraduate and graduate students, descendants of indigenous groups, low-income or public school graduates who wish to participate in the selection process for the Academic Master in Law and Development at FGV Sao Paulo Law School. This is a way of overcoming the barriers that limit these students’ access to higher education, and expanding the diversity of the program's student body. It consists of training courses in Law and Development, Introduction to Research in Law, and Instrumental English, as well as seminars given by professors and researchers from the School's research centers. The courses offered by PAD are taught by program’s students and supervised by professors who teach similar subjects in the Academic Master and PhD. To become a PAD teacher, the Master or PhD student must necessarily have completed the first stage of the Teacher Training Program.
Edital PAD 2024
Acesse o edital e inscreva-se no Programa de Apoio e Diversidade
Delton Aparecido Felipe (coordenador)
Mario Schapiro (coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação Acadêmico)
Fabia Fernandes Carvalho (coordenadora adjunta do Programa de Pós-Graduação Acadêmico)
Alessandra Benedito (coordenadora do Comitê de Diversidade)
Thiago de Souza Amparo (coordenador do Núcleo de Justiça Racial e Direito)
Corpo docente:
Matheus de Barros
Dalila Martins Viol
Assistente executiva:
Quéren Samai Moraes Santana