Lato Sensu Graduate Program (FGV LAW)

Próximas Turmas - Processo Seletivo 2024/2:

Inscrições do Processo Seletivo Regular: De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Cursos de Pós-Graduação

Direito Empresarial

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

De 14 à 16 meses

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Direito Tributário

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

De 14 à 16 meses

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Planejamento Patrimonial e Sucessório - Turma Concentrada

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

De 14 à 16 meses

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Processo Civil - Turma Concentrada

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

De 14 à 16 meses

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Cursos de Curta Duração

Compliance Empresarial e Gestão de Riscos Corporativos

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

8 Encontros

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Fintechs e Meios Eletrônicos de Pagamento

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

8 Encontros

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Jurimetria: Direito por Evidências

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

8 Encontros

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos

Início do Curso


Duração do curso

8 Encontros

Período de inscrição

De 01/04/2024 à 19/07/2024

Connection with the challenges of Law

With a list of courses in the different areas of Law, FGV LAW  always pays attention to the evolving debates in the legal world, quickly adapting to the demands that emerge in the market, in order to train professionals to deal with new challenges and intervene actively and in a transforming way in their fields.

Active since 2000, FGV LAW has a prominent position among Brazilian graduate courses in Law, and seeks to develop essential competencies and abilities for an assertive action by legal professionals, considering the world’s social, economic, political, and environmental complexity in the 21st century. 

Why choose FGV LAW?

Participatory teaching methodology

At FGV LAW, students are the leading actors  of their training. Lato Sensu graduate programs and short-term programs use participatory teaching techniques that demand active interaction between students and professors.

Based on methodologies such as problem solving, case studies, simulations, role-playing, and the Socratic method, among others, the courses adjust theoretical knowledge to the search of solutions for concrete and contemporary problems in Law, training ‘architects of legal solutions’ for complex problems.

Focus on interdisciplinarity

Courses offered at FGV LAW open doors to other fields of knowledge. Students have access not only to content from areas related to law, like finance, economics, accounting, and business management, but also transversal contents, such as leadership, negotiation techniques, and business strategy.

Skills’  development and strategic view

FGV Law programs’ teaching methodologies aim to help students develop fundamental skills for a constantly changing Law. Therefore, students are exposed to legal questions that demand analytical and argumentation skills, essential in the market. In addition, programs focus on developing a strategic view of complex problems.

An exciting environment for knowledge exchange

The environment created by FGV LAW courses represents an opportunity for networking with professionals from all over the country, active in both public and private spheres, in different Law areas, which makes the experience even more enriching.

Connection with the market’s reality

FGV LAW follows the legal market’s innovations and movements. The course portfolio is constantly updated to meet Law professionals’ needs, who face increasing complex challenges and the emergence of new areas for which there is no consolidated legal knowledge yet. The training offered in FGV LAW courses redefines the contents of classic areas of Law to work in complex environments.

Internationalized trajectory

FGV Sao Paulo Law Schoolbegan its trajectory as a cosmopolitan school, always paying attention to the international discussions on Law. It   takes part in these debates in different ways – through joint research with foreign institutions and researchers, exchange agreements for students, professors and researchers, and active participation in the creation of fronts for reflection and knowledge exchange, in instances such as the Law Schools Global League and Sui Iuris, of which it is one of the founders, along with educational institutions in different countries s.

FGV LAW follows the same path, offering students the opportunity to participate in these debates in international modules, such as the disciplines of the Global Law Program.

Catálogo do Programa | Cursos 2023/1

Saiba mais sobre as ofertas, a metodologia de ensino e os diferenciais dos cursos do FGV LAW.

International experience 

Through partnerships with major universities in Europe and North America, FGV LAW offers its Lato Sensu Graduate Programs’ students the possibility to attend an international module, made up of classes, debates, teaching dynamics, and immersion activities in the foreign legal practice and culture.

FGV LAW Experiência Internacional

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